Unsung Heroes

Over Christmas, I hiked Black Mountain in Arizona. Each step forward was progress and as you surveyed the peak ahead, another peak appeared. There is great wisdom in the book title, Mountains Beyond Mountains (Tracy Kidder). In my other life, I work in Liberia as an ophthalmologist. My focus is always vision. I arrive home where the annoying TV heralds the Kardashians, the new 'reality tv' for Americans abbreviated by commercials on new drugs sure to keep you youthful, and political vitriol. So let me share my unsung heroes who climb these Mountains beyond Mountains and how can we brighten their photographic story?

 This is "Refuge Place" (www.refugeplaceinternational.org) founded by Dr. Mosoka Fallah. He spends over half his salary on funding this medical clinic located in the Chicken Soup area of Monrovia, Liberia. He shared that the book, Mountains Bey…

 This is "Refuge Place" (www.refugeplaceinternational.org) founded by Dr. Mosoka Fallah. He spends over half his salary on funding this medical clinic located in the Chicken Soup area of Monrovia, Liberia. He shared that the book, Mountains Beyond Mountains was an inspiration for him to pursue his PhD and return to Liberia. Last year, the clinic provided care to 9314 patients in 15 slums.  A meager $100 USD keeps the electricity operational for one month.

This is the worst time of day to take a photograph--high noon. Should you brighten the yellow wall or keep it dingy mustard. Should the red words on the wall be brightened since this is the central core of the story.

Photographic critique: Tips to photographing dark, beautiful faces in bad light?

Kate, is my colleague and dear Friend who is a supply chain and logistics expert in global health. She has received 7 shipping containers from Project Cure (https://projectcure.org) and carefully worked with numerous hospitals and clinics (coordinat…

Kate, is my colleague and dear Friend who is a supply chain and logistics expert in global health. She has received 7 shipping containers from Project Cure (https://projectcure.org) and carefully worked with numerous hospitals and clinics (coordinating hundreds of volunteers) to battle rain, mud and treacherous roads. Here we are at Refuge Place learning about their work with mothers and children. Kate makes Bear Grylls look like a tourist (sorry Bear but you met your British match!). A good spot of English tea will make her smiles and she stays smiling in Liberia heat no matter the obstacle! Another unsung hero...

Photographic critique: Again high noon and the light on the left window blows everything up. Everyone was tired after a long day but Kate is the central highlight and she is smiling! Always difficult leaving at the light of dawn over back roads to a new clinic. Ideally, spend the night to get up at dawn--not always realistic or practical. Flash!

Bionca is an MPH statistician at the University of Minnesota. She is always willing to give a hand and she is a talented dancer. She has managed to teach dancing: Tango, West coast swing, East coast swing and all manner of dance steps to anyone will…

Bionca is an MPH statistician at the University of Minnesota. She is always willing to give a hand and she is a talented dancer. She has managed to teach dancing: Tango, West coast swing, East coast swing and all manner of dance steps to anyone willing to learn. She immersed herself in French so she might one day help in Global Health in Guinea. She is a real humanitarian who has been visiting clinics on her "spare time" when most people are binge watching Netflix. She recently asked me to write her a letter of recommendation for medical school. I was thrilled that our future is going to be bright with people like her entering US healthcare with positive energy!

Photographic critique: a 12 o-clock challenge. The faded poster in equatorial light begs to be brightened, the faded colors of the shirts begs brightening as well. Thoughts on how to brighten the blues and reds in camera raw?

Friends for life.Photographic critique: Carry a neutral density filter for the sky or post?

Friends for life.

Photographic critique: Carry a neutral density filter for the sky or post?